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Monday, November 10, 2008

Well, it's cold here in the Ozarks. Summer reluctantly gave into fall, while this was one of the longest, most beautiful falls I can remember in a long time, fall has fallen and winter has stood up with it's chest out, stating it's claim on the land. Why the rubber ducky, well, it's suppose to start raining shortly after sunset and continue on for the next 3 days. YUCK. As if the cold drury sky and the trees standing naked only able to look down at it's garmets lying on the ground was not bad enough. I even heard a possible four letter word might make it's way here. SNOW. That's nasty. I'll stop complaining and start looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. I cannot believe Thanksgiving is only 3 weeks away. I just threw away the pumpkins we just carved. Then just a few short weeks and Christmas will be done and over with and the new year, under a new president will start. I don't know about you, but I'm holding my breath to see what the new year awaits, my family and my country. I pray for wisdom to the new president and his young family. I pray for their safety and for the most important thing of all, their salvation. I wish everyone that reads this the best day possible. Forgive me and my winter blues. Did I mention I went to Target over the weekend and got the kids Halloween costumes for next year for the unbelievable price of $2.00 each. Yes!!!!!!!! I love after holiday clearance. Lots and lots of love from me to YOU!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

HALLOWEEN NIGHT. We had a frightning good time seeing all the ghosts and ghouls @ the Hy-Vee parking lot. Caragan dressed as the bride of Frankenstein but refused to let me make her face up. Cade was once again, Lightning McQueen for the second year running. Cade, my youngest did alot better this year only snuggling against my leg when the "SCREAM" trilogy mask hacker made it's way near the path of him . There were 3 scream hackers there this year, down from last. It's a nice thing to go to. You pay $2.00 per person to stand in line for 2 hours, (ha ha) you get to go to individual vedor booths and they give you candy, pencils, coupons, soda, milk, juice, chips, cereal. A little away from the norm, but fun. We tried to get our children to get their picture taken with the Pillsbury Dough Boy, but they were big chickens. Next year I'm dressing them up in a Rooster and Hen outfit!!!!!!! It was comical seeing the dough boy grab my husband Greg and love on him. Like they say, "nothing says lovin like" well, I don't remember, but I know it's something like that. Hope all had a safe and wonderful Halloween. Love & be loved!!!!