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Thursday, August 20, 2009

A trip to the city and a deer in the yard.

So, we take a trip to the city and my sister has a pet deer in the yard. I think that's pretty neat. Fat thing is corn fed and sleeps underneath their bedroom window. How cute. They have not touched it yet, but as the picture shows, they can get pretty close to it.

Kindergarten blues or kindergarten rules?????

The first picture is of us leaving Cade in his class on the first day. I miss him so much. I miss Cargan too, but I have not had Caragan with me every single day for the last 6 years and I have had Cade. He loves Kindergarten and I am so glad, but my days are strange. I will be honest, Greg and I are kinda lost without the kids. I am getting more accomplished which is nice, but I know when school starts the years fly and they get older, and I get older and the world does not stop. Caragan is in the 5th grade this year and is doing great, although that's nothing new, she excells in all she does. I love my family so much.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Caragan the Magnicent!!!!!

You had to be there.

You really had to be there to see little Caragan doing back flips 20 feet in the air!